Hey all, let’s talk phones! I figure I might as well keep this series going (systemDiscourse)… While I originally planned to use that title for anything related to my PC build I figure it makes sense to throw phones, gadgets, and other technobabble under that banner. So welcome back to the tech blog series! So….. […]
systemDiscourse #3 – Dead RAM, Funky UEFI, and Reinstalling Arch
Another month, another systemDiscourse. It’s been an interesting few weeks for my workstation. I’ve done some minor upgrades, had some minor panic, and wiped the slate clean. I. System Upgrade Saga: UEFI Shenanigans So for this round of upgrades, I got a new motherboard, new CPU, some more RAM, and moved everything over to a […]
systemDiscourse #2 – Windows Gets Nuked & Pipewire Transition
Welcome to the second entry in systemDiscourse, a blog series where I’ll be checking in and discussing my recent escapades in the world of open source software, Linux gaming, and general nonsense I do with my main workstation! First up for this week, is a moment I’ve been waiting for… I. Windows Gets Nuked! This […]
systemDiscourse #1 – Configs, shell scripts, and gaming
Hey. Welcome to the first installment of systemDiscourse. This is a series of blogs (and possibly supplemental audio/video posts) that will cover my journeys in the world of Linux, FOSS, and other aspects of workstation and home server configuration. This will range from discussing aspects of my own main Arch install, gaming under Linux, producing […]